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Thank you, Lord

Joyful Hearts


Songs: In Christ Alone/And Can It Be/Highest Place/I Want to Thank You, Lord/Praise We Sing to Thee/Thank You Lord/I Wanna Than You Lord/A Tiny Light/In His Care/I Shall Not Be Moved/Strength to Stand/We Will Serve the Lord/Ain't Got Time to Die/In the Morning of Joy/Soon Ah Will Be Done/Goin' Up to Glory/Prayer of Thankful Praise

All songs sung acappella.

Go Out and Serve the Lord

Joyful Hearts


Songs: Go Out and Serve Him/Prepare Ye/O Love That Will Not Let Me Go/Where He leads Me/All To Jesus I Surrender/Light the Fire/Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness/Keep Your Lambs!/Transformed/Children Keep in the Middle of the Road/Press On/Harvest Time/Prayer of the Children/Row Together to the Kingdom/Working With Joy/Ride the Chariot

All songs sung acappella.

Submitting to the God Who Owns Me

Joyful Hearts Chorus


Songs:  Holy, Holy, Holy/Zion’s Walls/Let the Whole Creation Cry/I Will Sing of My Redeemer/Who Am I/He Rose Triumphantly/Christ is Arisen/Jesus Set the World to Singing/Greater Is He That Is In Me/Wherever You Are/True Evangelical Faith/By His Hand/Pierce My Ear/Days of Elijah/There’ll Be No Dark Valley/Hold Our Your Light/If Ye Love Me

All songs acappella.

But Continue Thou

Joyful Hearts Chorus


Songs:  O Let All Who Thirst/If We Ever Needed the Lord Before/Fill Me Now/His Eye is on the Sparrow/Happy Am I/Take My Hand and Lead Me/We Are Not Alone/Prince of Peace/We’ll Soon Be Done/The Call of Reapers/Jesus Bids Us Shine/Song for the Nations/I Know That My Redeemer Liveth/Are You Dressed for the Wedding?/I’ll Have a New Life/Alpha and Omega/Set Me as a Seal

All songs acappella.

Forever Committed to Christ

Joyful Hearts Chorus


Songs:  Let Thy Holy Presence/O Come, Ye Servants of the Lord/I Sought the Lord/I Need Thee Every Hour/Be Thou My Vision/Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts/Love Through Me/Holy Ground Medley/Keep on the Firing Line/Where He Leads Me/O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee/Whatever It Takes/Down by the Riverside/Dwelling in Beulah Land/Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal/Now the Day is Over

All songs acappella.

How Great Thou Art

Joyful Hearts Chorus


Songs: Holy Art Thou/O Come Let Us Worship/Cherubim Song/I Sing the Mighty Power of God/Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains/Praise Thou the Lord, O My Soul/God is Seen/Praise We Sing to Thee/Prayer of Thankful Praise/When I Survey the Wondrous Cross/Beyond all Comparing/God is in His Temple/Dere’s No Hidin’ Place/Joy in the Morning/I Got Shoes/Ride the Chariot/God be With You/Everlasting God

All songs acappella.

Complete in Thee
Joyful Hearts Chorus

Songs: Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him!/'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful/Praise Thou the Lord/Glory Be to God/Lord, I Need You/Lo, My Shepherd is Divine/Leaning on the Everlasting Arms/O Source of All/The Way That He Loves/I Saw the Light/Complete in Thee/You Are Mine/I Know the Lord's Laid His Hands on Me/Rise! We Shall Rise-Heaven's Jubilee-We Shall Rise/Climbin' Up the Mountain/I'm Goin' Home/Hallowed Be Thy Name
Another nice recording from this youth choir in Pennsylvania.

"Complete in Thee" Joyful Hearts Chorus





Joyful Hearts Chorus

"Thank You Lord" Joyful Hearts Chorus




"Go Out and Serve the Lord" Joyful Hearts Chorus




"Submitting to the God Who Owns Me" Joyful Hearts Chorus




"But Continue Thou" Joyful Hearts Chorus




"Forever Committed to Christ" Joyful Hearts Chorus




"How Great Thou Art" Joyful Hearts Chorus




JH1013CD.mp3 JH1012CD.mp3 JH1010CD.mp3 JH1009CD.mp3 JH1007CD.mp3 JH1006CD.mp3

Goin' To Bethlehem

Joyful Hearts Chorus

Songs:  Rejoice With Joy to the World/Come and Sing/Goin' to Bethlehem/We're Goin' Up to Bethlehem/How Should a King Come?/Infant Holy/Christmas Birthday/Born, He is Born/The First Noel/A Tiny Light/One Small Child/Glory be to God/Run to Bethlehem/The Little Drummer Boy/Mary Did You Know/O Beautiful Star of Bethelehem/Star of the East (Brightest and Best)/Come, Let Us Adore Him/Noel

"Goin to Bethlehem"  Joyful Hearts Chorus




Restore My Soul!

Joyful Hearts


Songs: Praise to the Lord/Restore My Soul/Listen to Our Hearts/Father, I Adore You-Alleluia/Immortal, Invisible/Mighty God/We Praise Thee, O God/Thank You, Lord/Day By Day/Ride On, King Jesus/Use My Life as Kindling/Change My Heart, O God/Richly Blest/God is Able/You Are My Hiding Place/Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song/This Great Caravan/The Lord is My Light

All songs sung acappella.

Brighten Your Corner!
Joyful Hearts Chorus

Songs: We Shall Assemble/The Battle Belongs to the Lord/You Are My All in All/Lord Most High/The Power of the Cross/When I Think of the Cross/O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus/Who is on the Lord’s Side?/I Will Sing Unto the Lord/Send the Light/Try God, Try Prayer, Try Love/You are the Light of the World/Brighten the Corner/Can the World See Jesus?/People Need the Lord/Wake Up, Church, Wake Up!/Let Your Light Singe!/Send Forth Thy Spirit
All songs sung acappella.

"Brighten Your Corner!"  Joyful Hearts Chorus




"Restore My Soul!" Joyful Hearts Chorus




The Yearning

Joyful Hearts Chorus


Songs:  The Yearning/Come, We That Love the Lord/I Am the Bread of Life/Love Through Me/O Love the Lord/Pierce My Ear/We Are Not Alone/Wherever You Are/Song for the Nations/Days of Elijah/the Sands of Time/Eternal God/Are You Dressed for the Wedding?/I’m Going There/I’ll Have a New Life/Unclouded Day/Alpha and Omega

All songs sung acappella.

"The Yearning"  Joyful Hearts Chorus


